Citi Bike: Proof in the Numbers

5 months, 5 million rides, 10 million miles – these are the numbers from the city’s latest Citi Bike press release. And here are some more!

Number of trips in the peak travel day: 44,000, more than the average Yankee Stadium attendance this past season.

Total annual, weekly and daily subscriptions purchased: 432,244, almost as large as the population of Atlanta, Georgia.

Estimated number of calories burned since launch*: 403 million, the equivalent of 732,000 Big Macs, nearly 419,000 entire pints of Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia ice cream, and more than 107,000 Pizza Hut meat lover’s pizzas. *assumes an average of 40 calories per mile biked.

While there are certainly some negative data out there (dock malfunctions, etc) missing from this press release, it is nonetheless encouraging and exciting to see so much success from the program that some considered doomed from the start.

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